
To inspire a diverse and inclusive nationwide talent pool to prepare for careers in cybersecurity, and build a bridge between that talent and the growing needs of industry, academia, and government.


We envision a cybersecurity workforce that meets the needs of a growing global market, a diverse workforce that takes advantage of talent no matter where we find it and no matter where it was developed.

From The Director

The Global Center For Cybersecurity is uniquely positioned to be a major force in the cybersecurity industry. We bring together leaders from across government, public and private sectors, and the education industry to inspire the next generation of cyber talent. Together, we create, “open source”, and distribute curriculum that reaches more students than ever before.

Our volunteers often get involved through a colleague or boss, but find the community to be one of the most rewarding networks they’ve ever been involved in. Beyond inspiring young people, the relationships our volunteers enjoy through the GCC are at once meaningful and rewarding.

I hope you’ll join us, dive in, and have a lot of fun while you’re doing it. It’s a game changer…for students and for you.

- Maurice Mahone